Message: Command failed: /bin/sh -c sudo -S -p '#node-sudo-passwd#' systemctl is-active ghost_itlady-com
Exit code: 3
Debug Information:
OS: linux, v3.10.0-1062.4.1.el7.x86_64
Node Version: v10.18.1
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.12.0
Environment: production
Command: 'ghost status'
The `ghost run` command is used by the configured Ghost process manager and for debugging. If you're not running this to debug something, you should run `ghost start` instead.
2020-1-31 23:30:24
补充一下,我是用Centos ,会遇到这类问题,官方推荐用ubuntu,我习惯了centos
sudo systemctl is-active ghost_itlady-com 用这个命令启动ghost,然后用ghost update升级到最新版本 |
2020-2-1 01:39:07
Use ghost run to start Ghost without using the configured process manager. This runs Ghost directly, similar to node index.js.
GMT+8, 2025-4-1 07:13