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[上海]外资互联网创业团队招 python Developer 和 Android/IOS 工程师!

By: 科技之声 发表于 2013-7-20 14:39:02 · 5459次点击   回复:0    [北京]
每周五中午team dinner,中餐西餐泰国菜日本寿司韩国料理荤菜素菜轮着来;
灵活的上班时间,可home-office,妈妈再也不用担心我熬夜看世界杯看google apple产品发布会第二天顶着熊猫眼去上班了;
不论是客服人事行政设计市场销售IT,只要有想法,say it out;

外卖超人总部位于柏林,在最初的2年时间中,得到了包括Ru-Net,Kite Ventures, Tengelmann Ventures, Holtzbrinck Ventures, Point NineCapital, Team Europe等在内的数家知名投资方的支持,获得了超过1亿美金的资金来拓展全球市场。为拓展中国市场,外卖超人于2012年8月在上海设立中国办公室。外卖超人中国为双语订餐网站,主要定位于为公司白领及外籍人士提供优质在线外卖订餐服务。
现公司业务发展迅速,求python牛人和 Android/IOS 工程师加入我们!

一、Experienced Python/Django Developer & Linux System Administrator.
Technical skills wanted:
- Linux webserver system administration (esp. Ubuntu)
- Python/Django
- Bonus points for:
iOS development experience
Cross-Browser HTML/CSS/Javascript
Interest or Experience in TDD
About the position:
We’re looking for someone to spend part of their time maintaining our small number of open-source web servers, and part of their time helping to develop our Python/Django website. Candidates with significant experience in system administration and some experience with Python or significant experience with Python/Django and some experience with system administration are both acceptably
About you....
You’re a friendly and skilled developer who loves to solve problems. You understand the importance of documenting what you do and the importance of automated testing.
You take time to ask colleagues for input during design.
You manage your priorities well, and seek assistance when stuck.
For native Mandarin speakers: Your English is good, or your English is passable and you’re interested in improving it.
For native English speakers: You have learned some Mandarin, and you’re interested in improving it

二、Android/IOS 工程师
1. 3年或以上的相关经验
2. 熟悉iOS/Android平台下的UI设计和实现;
3. 良好的团队合作精神和独立的个人思考解决问题能力
4. 可被调戏...

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