* 你将与一群出色的同事一起在市中心一个很棒的办公室里一同工作,
* 你将能学到很多,并利用最新的技术完成极富挑战的项目,
* 一台Macbook Air和外接显示器;
* 一把Ergohuman椅子(或一个瑜伽球);
* 灵活的工作时间(并且没有加班);
* 免费的零食和饮料;
* 每周的团队午餐和每月的团队晚餐(想吃什么、想玩什么任你选!)。
http://wiredcraft.com) 使用各种开源技术制作基于 Web 及移动平台的应用程序。
http://wiredcraft.com/#services),如性能优化、用户界面与体验、多语种及移动平台支持、第三方API整合等等。目前为止,我们主要使用 Drupal进行开发工作,但我们也精通许多其它技术如 NGINX, Python, jQuery, Solr, Sphinx, Puppet, Android, node.js等等。
我们是一个年轻的公司,但已拥有很多著名客户,如 CNN, the United Nations, IFES, PopCap Games, Nvidia, 及其它一些非政府组织(NGO)和美国政府机构等等。
*You're smart and passionate about technology. We work a lot with data, infrastructure, APIs, the Web and mobile, but we welcome all kind of profiles (one of us used to be a fireman).
*You're at ease building interactive Web front-ends using HTML5, CSS and Javascript. Our team uses AngularJS, Grunt.js, bower and the latest tools. We're more than happy to teach you.
*Bonus point if you've participated in Open Source projects.
*Working with the product manager to design and implement UI and UX.
*Experiment and investigate new technologies to find what works for our team.
Ship code. That includes helping our team focusing on delivering and away from procrastinating.
*Contribute to Open Source.