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Flarum简体中文语言包 安装方法

By: rocky 发表于 2020-2-18 23:31:45 · 109836次点击   回复:1   
Flarum 简体中文语言包 / Simplified Chinese Language Pack v0.1.21 Released
本语言包基于 flarum/lang-englishFlarum China,并对Csineneo 的简中语言包言语进行了优化调整。
相较于 Csineneo 的语言包,整体语言风格较细腻自然,符合多数中国人思维习惯。

This language pack is based on flarum/lang-english and Flarum China, and optimized a lot of speech descriptions of Csineneo's Simplified Chinese Language Pack.

Compared with Csineneo's Simplified Chinese language pack, the overall language style is more delicate and natural, which conforms to the thinking habits of most Chinese people.

要求 / Requirement
  • Flarum v0.1.0-beta.8 及以上版本

安装 / Installation

composer require littlegolden/flarum-lang-simplified-chinese

升级 / Update

composer update littlegolden/flarum-lang-simplified-chinese

卸载 / Remove

composer remove littlegolden/flarum-lang-simplified-chinese

清理缓存 / Cache Clear

php flarum cache:clear

本地化 / Localization
  • 调整时间格式
> 支持的扩展 / Supported Extensions
演示 / Demo报告问题 / Report Issue链接 / Links

1个回复  |  直到 2020-2-18 23:31:45
rocky      2020-2-18 23:31:45
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