
诺基亚Ovi Store的新行动:iphone不是唯一的廉价游戏基地

应对来自苹果和google在智能手机市场应用领域(特别是手机游戏)的强力挑战,诺基亚Ovi Store将从即日起至8月12日止推出游戏打包战略,可以花1英镑去下载Doodle Jump、Fieldrunners、Bejeweled、The Sims 3以及Pac-Man Championship Edition在内的顶尖手机游戏。



诺基亚Ovi Store此举看起来意在向用户传达不仅仅只有iphone才是廉价游戏的基地,诺基亚的Ovi Store也有相当不错的游戏可供手机玩家下载。事实上诺基亚的Ovi Store已经拥有了不少在iphone上推出的游戏,比如Doodle Jump和Fieldrunners。

手机游戏大降价似乎是目前的一大风潮,EA Mobile和Gameloft都曾在iphone上推59美分游戏。



Nokia has launched a 30-day promotion dropping a bunch of popular games’ prices to £1 on its Ovi Store. They include Doodle Jump, Fieldrunners, Bejeweled, The Sims 3 and Pac-Man Championship Edition.

The offer kicked off on Monday, and lasts until 12th August. It’s a sign that Nokia is keen to remind people that iPhone isn’t the only place you can get cheap games at the moment. In fact, Ovi Store has an expanding catalogue of stuff to play, even if some of the best titles – Doodle Jump and Fieldrunners for example – started life on iPhone.

Cutting game prices is all the rage at the moment: witness the recent price war between publishers EA Mobile and Gameloft on iPhone, where they dropped a number of their games to 59p to send them up the charts. The question is whether all these promotions is leading mobile users to see a quid (or less) as the price for a decent mobile game.
