


OSQA is the free, open source Q&A system you've been waiting for. Your OSQA site is more than just an FAQ page, it is a full-featured Q&A community. Users earn points and badges for useful participation, and everyone in the community wins. OSQA is a way to connect people to the information they're looking for, brought to you by the folks at DZone, the home of one of the web's biggest software developer communities.


Qanda is an open-source Question and Answer System (QAS) written in PHP 5 and using Kohana MVC framework. Qanda is currently under beta development, we are looking for programming enthusiasts to participate in this exciting project. It`s easy to setup, config and running the way you want it, lightweight and allows easy theme and plug-in development.


If you feel that there are topics that the public at large should be educated about, or if you want to complement the services rendered by your site in an interactive way one of the best options is creating your own Q & A site. Shapado is a free, libre and open source Q&A platform developed by ricodigo. The source is released under the GNU Affero General Public License which means you need to link to the code and the license from your hosted installation.


phpMyFAQ is a scalable open source FAQ system using PHP and available for many databases. Your users can easily find questions and answers using the search feature with search in all languages or in one category. Supports various databases: MySQL (libmysql and mysqlnd), PostgreSQL, SQLite, Sybase, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, IBM Cloudscape, Apache Derby, Interbase, or Firebird. Most popular FAQs, latest FAQs, and sticky FAQs. PDF, XHTML, and plain XML.


BellaBuzz is an "Ask n Answer" script (also known as 'faq' script/basic knowledgebase). It was designed to replace the popular but insecure "Waks Ask and Answer". It is simple to install and easy to customise, running on flat files instead of a complex MySQL database. Features: Spam word and IP checks/blocking, Known spam-bot blocking, Basic flood control, Optional name field, Pagination as standard
